
aus dem Chronist-Wiki, der deutschen BIONICLE-Enzyklopädie
Version vom 30. Oktober 2016, 23:50 Uhr von de>Minkeam (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „{{InArbeit|Minkeam}} {{Zitat|Geht! Makutas Anweisung war klar. Wir werden eine Kreatur bis zum Ende des Tages fangen.|Umarak zu denSchattenfallen, ''LEGO Bi…“)
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Geht! Makutas Anweisung war klar. Wir werden eine Kreatur bis zum Ende des Tages fangen.
— Umarak zu denSchattenfallen, Pflicht und Einheit

können die Elementasrkreaturen fangen

Die 'Schattenfallen waren lebende Objekte, die Umarak der Jäger befehligte.


During his search for the great Elemental Creatures at the behest of Makuta, Umarak dispatched Shadow Traps to the six regions of Okoto. The six Toa also began a search for the creatures at the same time, and the Shadow Traps stalked them across the land. Umarak eventually located Uxar, the Creature of Jungle, who had encountered Toa Lewa. With the assistance of the Shadow Traps, Umarak was able to bind the creature in shadows. Lewa was able to rescue Uxar, and the pair warned the other Toa of Umarak's attack. Umarak later attacked the six Toa in the Region of Jungle, using several Shadow Traps against the Toa and Elemental Creatures. He employed more Shadow Traps in the Labyrinth of Control to halt the Toa while he obtained the Mask of Control. After being mutated into the Destroyer by the Mask of Control, Umarak used his newfound power to transform the Fire, Water, and Earth Shadow Traps into the Elemental Beasts. Other traps also appeared among the minions of Makuta in the Shadow Realm.